Virginia Tech
(12) Vanderbilt
Virginia Tech (1-5, 0-1) 448
(12) Vanderbilt (5-0, 0-0) 6612
  • Date: March 4, 2008
  • Start Time: 1 p.m.
  • End of Game: 2:38
  • Total elapsed time: 1:38
  • Attendance: 76
  • Officials:
  • Trumbo,Fran
  • Dull,Jill
  • Lang,Bonnye
  • Weinman,Chris
Virginia Tech
16Casey Warner00000200-0110
14Kristen Burtch00000400-0010
20Joanna Kiser10111101-1110
21Caitlyn Wier20233000-0200
22Allie Emala00032140-0100
gk00Kari Morrison00000100-0000
12Christina Griel00000250-0100
2Jacquelyn Duggins00000200-0210
10Kady McBrearty22465100-2400
4Jenna Reich20252101-1200
5Rachel Culp10121301-1120
8Kate Tracey00000110-0200
23Terri Coover00000300-0100
1Kristy Zeigler00011000-0100
34MacKenzie Costello00011000-0010
##GoalkeepersMinutesGoals AgainstW/LSaves
00Kari Morrison60:001213
##GoalkeepersMinutesGoals AgainstW/LSaves
Shots by period12
Virginia Tech913
Saves by period12
Virginia Tech94
Ground Balls12
Virginia Tech913
Virginia Tech89
Draw Controls12
Virginia Tech64
Virginia Tech118
Virginia Tech0-00-0
Virginia Tech1-12-4

Scoring Summary

No.PrdTimeTeamGoal ScorerAssistVT-VU
21st26:26VTKady McBrearty1-1
41st14:46VTKady McBrearty2-2
51st13:51VTRachel Culp3-2
81st09:59VTJenna ReichKady McBrearty4-4
122nd24:29VTJenna Reich5-7
142nd19:56VTCaitlyn WierKady McBrearty6-8
152nd18:46VTJoanna Kiser7-8
192nd07:51VTCaitlyn Wier8-11

Cautions and ejections

17:15 (1st)VUGiordano,Cara
28:09 (2nd)VTJacquelyn Duggins
16:26 (2nd)VUMundy,Alex
00:07 (2nd)VTChristina Griel
First QuarterVT-VU
[30:00] Kari Morrison at goalie for VT.
[30:00] Shinaberry,Brooke at goalie for VU.
Draw control by VU Curran,Margie.
Foul on VT.
[29:24] Shot by VU Foote,Carter, SAVE Kari Morrison.
Turnover by VU Curran,Margie.
[27:37] Ground ball pickup by VT Kady McBrearty.
Turnover by VT Kristy Zeigler (caused by Giordano,Cara).
[27:12] Ground ball pickup by VU Paschall,Ashley.
[27:03] GOAL by VU Keenan,Laura (FIRST GOAL).0-1
Draw control by VT Christina Griel.
[26:26] GOAL by VT Kady McBrearty.1-1
Draw control by VT Allie Emala.
Turnover by VT Kady McBrearty (caused by Paschall,Ashley).
[25:14] Ground ball pickup by VU Paschall,Ashley.
[24:59] Shot by VU Keenan,Laura, SAVE Kari Morrison.
[24:51] Ground ball pickup by VU Downing,Sarah.
[24:37] Shot by VU Curran,Margie, SAVE Kari Morrison.
[24:29] Ground ball pickup by VT Casey Warner.
Foul on VU.
Turnover by VT Caitlyn Wier.
[24:01] Ground ball pickup by VU Slotke,Michele.
Foul on VT.
[22:51] Shot by VU Keenan,Laura, SAVE Kari Morrison.
[22:48] Ground ball pickup by VT Kristen Burtch.
[22:06] Shot by VT Jenna Reich WIDE.
[21:47] Shot by VT Kady McBrearty, SAVE Shinaberry,Brooke.
Foul on VU.
Turnover by VT Casey Warner (caused by Cielak,Sasha).
[20:38] Ground ball pickup by VU Mundy,Alex.
Foul on VT.
Foul on VT.
Foul on VT.
[19:44] Free position attempt for VU.
[19:44] Shot by VU Foote,Carter, SAVE Kari Morrison.
[19:44] Ground ball pickup by VU Mundy,Alex.
[19:16] GOAL by VU Downing,Sarah.1-2
Draw control by VU Giordano,Cara.
Turnover by VU Mundy,Alex.
[18:16] Ground ball pickup by VT Jacquelyn Duggins.
Yellow card on VU Giordano,Cara.
Turnover by VT Terri Coover (caused by Gibson,Megan).
[16:41] Ground ball pickup by VU Gibson,Megan.
[16:25] Shot by VU Downing,Sarah, SAVE Kari Morrison.
Turnover by VU Gioia,Carolyn (caused by Kristen Burtch).
[15:45] Ground ball pickup by VT Terri Coover.
[15:29] Shot by VT Rachel Culp WIDE.
[14:46] GOAL by VT Kady McBrearty.2-2
Draw control by VT Allie Emala.
[14:08] Shot by VT Jenna Reich WIDE.
Foul on VU.
[13:51] GOAL by VT Rachel Culp (FPGOAL) {free position shot}.3-2
Draw control by VU Downing,Sarah.
[13:20] GOAL by VU Mundy,Alex.3-3
Draw control by VU Curran,Margie.
Turnover by VU Giordano,Cara.
[12:09] Ground ball pickup by VT Christina Griel.
Turnover by VT Christina Griel.
[11:54] Ground ball pickup by VU Eide,Merissa.
[11:23] GOAL by VU Curran,Margie, Assist by Keenan,Laura.3-4
Draw control by VT Christina Griel.
Foul on VU.
Foul on VU.
[09:59] GOAL by VT Jenna Reich, Assist by Kady McBrearty.4-4
Draw control by VU Cielak,Sasha.
Foul on VT.
[09:03] GOAL by VU Foote,Carter, Assist by Downing,Sarah.4-5
Draw control by VT Kate Tracey.
Turnover by VT Jenna Reich (caused by Paschall,Ashley).
[08:00] Ground ball pickup by VU Shinaberry,Brooke.
Turnover by VU Paschall,Ashley.
[07:33] Ground ball pickup by VT Kate Tracey.
Turnover by VT Kate Tracey (caused by Curran,Margie).
[07:26] Ground ball pickup by VU Curran,Margie.
Turnover by VU Giordano,Cara (caused by Rachel Culp).
[06:48] Ground ball pickup by VT Rachel Culp.
Turnover by VT Kady McBrearty (caused by Koutrakos,Heather).
[05:30] Ground ball pickup by VU Shinaberry,Brooke.
[04:56] Shot by VU Downing,Sarah WIDE.
[04:35] Shot by VU Downing,Sarah WIDE.
[04:06] GOAL by VU Foote,Carter, Assist by Downing,Sarah.4-6
[04:06] Timeout by VT.
Draw control by VT Christina Griel.
Turnover by VT Rachel Culp (caused by Cielak,Sasha).
[03:43] Ground ball pickup by VU Cielak,Sasha.
[03:21] Shot by VU Giordano,Cara WIDE.
[02:56] Shot by VU Frank,Allie, SAVE Kari Morrison.
[02:53] Ground ball pickup by VU Koch,Leslie.
[02:43] Shot by VU Curran,Margie WIDE.
Turnover by VU Koch,Leslie (caused by Casey Warner).
[02:01] Ground ball pickup by VT Casey Warner.
Turnover by VT Joanna Kiser.
[01:42] Ground ball pickup by VU Koch,Leslie.
Foul on VT.
[01:26] Shot by VU Koch,Leslie, SAVE Kari Morrison.
Foul on VU.
[00:30] Shot by VT Kristy Zeigler, SAVE Shinaberry,Brooke.
Foul on VT.
[00:19] Shot by VU Paschall,Ashley, SAVE Kari Morrison {free position shot}.
Foul on VU.
[00:00] End-of-period.
Second QuarterVT-VU
Draw control by VT Allie Emala.
Turnover by VT Allie Emala (caused by Cielak,Sasha).
[29:24] Ground ball pickup by VU Cielak,Sasha.
[29:06] Shot by VU Foote,Carter HIGH.
[28:43] Shot by VU Curran,Margie WIDE.
[28:38] Ground ball pickup by VU Paschall,Ashley.
Yellow card on VT Jacquelyn Duggins.
[28:09] Shot by VU Downing,Sarah, SAVE Kari Morrison.
[28:09] Ground ball pickup by VT Kristen Burtch.
Turnover by VT Kate Tracey (caused by Slotke,Michele).
[26:07] Ground ball pickup by VU Mundy,Alex.
Foul on VT.
[25:36] GOAL by VU Giordano,Cara, Assist by Paschall,Ashley.4-7
Draw control by VT Christina Griel.
Foul on VT.
Foul on VU.
[24:29] GOAL by VT Jenna Reich (FPGOAL) {free position shot}.5-7
Draw control by VU Cielak,Sasha.
Turnover by VU Downing,Sarah.
[24:17] Ground ball pickup by VT Rachel Culp.
Foul on VU.
[23:29] Shot by VT Allie Emala, SAVE Shinaberry,Brooke.
Turnover by VU Downing,Sarah (caused by MacKenzie Costello).
Turnover by VT Jacquelyn Duggins (caused by Franke,Emily).
[21:35] GOAL by VU Downing,Sarah.5-8
Draw control by VU Foote,Carter.
Turnover by VU Keenan,Laura.
[21:20] Ground ball pickup by VT Christina Griel.
Foul on VU.
[19:56] GOAL by VT Caitlyn Wier, Assist by Kady McBrearty.6-8
Draw control by VU Downing,Sarah.
Turnover by VU Foote,Carter (caused by Jacquelyn Duggins).
[19:32] Ground ball pickup by VT Jacquelyn Duggins.
Foul on VU.
Foul on VU.
[18:46] GOAL by VT Joanna Kiser (FPGOAL) {free position shot}.7-8
Draw control by VU Curran,Margie.
Foul on VT.
[18:05] Shot by VU Giordano,Cara WIDE.
[17:46] Shot by VU Curran,Margie WIDE.
[17:32] GOAL by VU Adam,Anastasia.7-9
Draw control by VT Allie Emala.
Yellow card on VU Mundy,Alex.
[16:24] Shot by VT Kady McBrearty, SAVE Shinaberry,Brooke {free position shot}.
[16:24] Ground ball pickup by VT Allie Emala.
Turnover by VT Kady McBrearty (caused by Leonard,Claire).
[16:24] Ground ball pickup by VU Shinaberry,Brooke.
[15:11] GOAL by VU Keenan,Laura, Assist by Giordano,Cara.7-10
[15:11] Timeout by VT.
Draw control by VU Curran,Margie.
Turnover by VU Downing,Sarah.
[14:50] Ground ball pickup by VT Kristen Burtch.
Turnover by VT Jacquelyn Duggins (caused by Curran,Margie).
Turnover by VU Giordano,Cara (caused by Rachel Culp).
[13:18] Ground ball pickup by VT Terri Coover.
[13:05] Shot by VT MacKenzie Costello, SAVE Shinaberry,Brooke.
Turnover by VT Kady McBrearty.
[12:59] Ground ball pickup by VU Leonard,Claire.
Foul on VT.
Foul on VT.
Turnover by VU Curran,Margie.
[10:45] Ground ball pickup by VT Kristen Burtch.
Foul on VU.
[10:18] Shot by VT Kady McBrearty, SAVE Shinaberry,Brooke.
[09:56] GOAL by VU Downing,Sarah, Assist by Paschall,Ashley.7-11
Draw control by VU Giordano,Cara.
[09:48] Shot by VU Foote,Carter, SAVE Kari Morrison.
[09:34] Ground ball pickup by VT Kari Morrison.
[08:47] Shot by VT Jenna Reich WIDE.
[07:51] GOAL by VT Caitlyn Wier.8-11
Draw control by VU Curran,Margie.
Foul on VT.
[07:07] Shot by VU Foote,Carter, SAVE Kari Morrison.
[07:03] Ground ball pickup by VU Frank,Allie.
[06:59] Shot by VU Frank,Allie, SAVE Kari Morrison.
[06:54] Ground ball pickup by VU Foote,Carter.
[06:45] Shot by VU Curran,Margie WIDE.
Foul on VT.
Turnover by VU Frank,Allie (caused by Joanna Kiser).
[05:37] Ground ball pickup by VT Joanna Kiser.
Foul on VU.
Foul on VU.
[04:33] Shot by VT Allie Emala, SAVE Shinaberry,Brooke.
[04:33] Ground ball pickup by VU Paschall,Ashley.
Foul on VT.
Turnover by VU Koutrakos,Heather.
[04:33] Ground ball pickup by VT Terri Coover.
Foul on VU.
Foul on VU.
[02:44] Shot by VT Allie Emala HIGH.
Turnover by VT Caitlyn Wier (caused by Giordano,Cara).
[02:25] Ground ball pickup by VU Giordano,Cara.
Foul on VT.
[01:16] GOAL by VU Downing,Sarah, Assist by Curran,Margie.8-12
Draw control by VT Christina Griel.
[00:42] Shot by VT Caitlyn Wier, SAVE Shinaberry,Brooke.
[00:39] Ground ball pickup by VT Jenna Reich.
Turnover by VT Jenna Reich.
[00:31] Ground ball pickup by VU Koch,Leslie.
Turnover by VU Koch,Leslie.
[00:24] Ground ball pickup by VT Rachel Culp.
Foul on VU.
Foul on VU.
[00:19] Shot by VT Kady McBrearty HIT CROSSBAR {free position shot}.
[00:19] Ground ball pickup by VU Giordano,Cara.
Yellow card on VT Christina Griel.
[00:00] End-of-period.